AWS AIF C01 Badge 考照心得這次考照不同於CCP, ccp只需記好各種服務的大致用途及相互關係,選得出對應場景下可以使用的服務就可以了,ccp 準備的雖然比較多比較久,但考起來是很輕鬆的 這次的考試範圍分布為: 可以看到有包含很多基礎AI / ML /LLM 的題目,是蠻考驗底層知識的,實際考期來衍伸的服務項目也不僅僅只在ai, 包括監控的Cloudtrail,主動掃描的 Macie 等也在考試 2024-10-17 aws #aws #ai
aws-AIF-C01 LLM 的評估及安全合規 Model evaluation Common MetricRougeused to evaluate automatic summarization of texts, in addition to machine translation quality in NLP. The main idea behind ROUGE is to count the number of overlappin 2024-10-13 aws #aws #ai
AWS AIF-C01 ML Developing Machine Learning Development Lifecycle Business goal identificationDefining the success criteria or key performance indicators (KPIs) for the ML workload is critical.為 ML 工作負載定義成功標準或關鍵績效指標 (KPI) 至關重要 2024-10-11 aws #aws #ai
AWS AIF-C01 Responsible AI Responsible AI 負責任的AIBias-variance trade-offs Variance. Variance refers to the model’s sensitivity to fluctuations or noise in the training data. 模型對訓練數據中的波動或雜訊的敏感度。 underfittedunderfitting the data 2024-10-11 aws #aws #ai
AWS AIF-C01-AI / ML AWS AI/ML services stack ML frameworksSageMakerSageMaker offers the right tools to effectively build, train, and run LLMs and other FMs efficiently and costeffectively. SageMaker 提供了合適的工具,可以高效且經濟 2024-10-09 aws #aws #ai
AWS AIF-C01 llm基礎篇 Generative AI FundamentalsFoundation models (基礎模型) Generative AI is powered by models that are pretrained on internet-scale data called foundation models (FMs). can adapt a single FM to perform multip 2024-10-08 aws #aws #ai
AWS AIF-C01 深度學習基礎篇 Deep Learning(深度學習)field of deep learning is inspired by the structure and function of the brain. It involves the use of artificial neural networks, which are computational models that are designed to 2024-10-08 aws #aws #ai
AWS AIF-C01 機器學習基礎篇 Machine Learning Fundamentals 機器學習基礎知識Training data 訓練數據ML 模型的好壞取決於用於訓練它的數據。 Labeled datais a dataset where each instance or example is accompanied by a label or target variable that represents the 2024-10-08 aws #aws #ai
爬蟲新聞資料後總結重點每日匯報-頁面顯示篇 呈上篇爬蟲新聞資料後總結重點每日匯報-ai總結篇 接下來要將打抓下來重點總結的資訊做顯示,這邊因為我常用語言是java 所以就採springboot 快速建立一個頁面 repo: 首先建立news 跟 summary 的 table 的 entity EntityNews12345678 2024-09-23 java #java #springboot
android manifest 及相機權限變動 標籤的結構及重點1. 根標籤及命名12345<manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.myapp"> <!-- 其他內容 --></manifest> xm 2024-09-16 android #android