sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
2. 建立錢包
solana-keygen grind --starts-with bos:2
:2 的意思是建立的個數,會建立以下的json,前面的檔名就是錢包地址
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Searching with 22 threads for: 2 pubkeys that start with 'bos' and end with '' Searched 1000000 keypairs in 1s. 0 matches found. Searched 2000000 keypairs in 3s. 0 matches found. Wrote keypair to bosNq2bnxU1xrzV4oPRtzBwYftbcfyuKP9YjYnz2zr2.json Searched 3000000 keypairs in 5s. 1 matches found. Wrote keypair to bos4qUdiXHGb6Ks36GLx9mZtiXmujYsdryi1xQZHheZ.json
3. 設定config
1 2 3 4 5
# 設定為devnet solana config set --url
# 設定錢包 solana config set --keypair bosNq2bnxU1xrzV4oPRtzBwYftbcfyuKP9YjYnz2zr2.json
Searching with 22 threads for: 2 pubkeys that start with 'mnt' and end with '' Searched 1000000 keypairs in 1s. 0 matches found. Searched 2000000 keypairs in 3s. 0 matches found. Searched 3000000 keypairs in 5s. 0 matches found. Wrote keypair to mnt6xLhrLGXya1swUvm27jRCvn6hP6YbWoqRbXPqKvL.json Wrote keypair to mntNao5ruXe8PKJoXnz281FkqgP4fhi6AMU6ZwV5BZ4.json
Creating token mntNao5ruXe8PKJoXnz281FkqgP4fhi6AMU6ZwV5BZ4 under program TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb To initialize metadata inside the mint, please run `spl-token initialize-metadata mntNao5ruXe8PKJoXnz281FkqgP4fhi6AMU6ZwV5BZ4 <YOUR_TOKEN_NAME> <YOUR_TOKEN_SYMBOL> <YOUR_TOKEN_URI>`, and sign with the mint authority.